WIIS received 500 applicants for the 23 spots, resulting in an extremely competitive selection process.
- Gender: 20 participants were women, and 3 were men.
- Education: 12 participants were pursuing or had recently completed, their Ph.D., and 11 were current or recent Master’s students.
- Age Range: Participation in the Symposium was limited to young leaders between the ages of 24 and 40. 9 participants were ages 24-29, 9 were ages 30-35, and 3 were ages 36-40.
- Regional Representation: Three participants were from Africa, 9 from North America, 4 from Europe, 5 from South or Southeast Asia, 1 from the Middle East and North Africa, and 1 from Latin America
Felicia Dede Addy
Shikshya Adhikari
Rahaf Aldoughli
Mutti Anggitta
Çağlayan Başer
Zoya Belmesova
Chantel Cole
Merve Erdilmen
Farnush Ghadery
Melodie Ha
Layla Hashemi
Ibrahim Abdulmajeed
Elinor Mcnamee
Mónica Mendez Caballero
Dismas Ndayikengurukiye
Amanda Trea Phua
Emily Sample
Ana Sanchez Cobaleda
Sophie Schor
Madison Schramm
Smita Singh
Dallin Van Leuven
Jana Wattenberg