WIIS welcomes new International Affiliates –they enhance and expand WIIS’ professional network of global security individuals at all stages of their careers, committed to helping women advance in peace and security affairs and related fields. WIIS encourages the establishment of Affiliates to expand the reach of its mission and to provide professional support, networking, and events to members at the global, regional and local levels.
Who are WIIS Affiliates
WIIS fosters an inclusive platform for International Affiliates to connect, coordinate, and mobilize our joint efforts to achieve WIIS’ common goal of advancing innovative gender-inclusive policies in the international security domain.

WIIS Global Mentorship & Partnerships
WIIS International Affiliates offer mentoring as a core opportunity for individuals to connect in life and career experience. International Affiliate mentorships enable knowledge transfer between two or more people and the opportunity for innovation in collaborative programs ensuring mutually beneficial experiences for participants.

WIIS Security Dialogues
WIIS Affiliate members use their platforms to elevate their perspectives, and promote the inclusion of women’s voices in areas of conflict, providing a a gender lens to critical global security matters including; gender-based violence, women and girls education, land rights and access to credit for women.
Affiliates work in coordination with local and national partnering organizations to amplify women’s voices in regions they are otherwise silenced and in circumstances of conflict where security threats are exacerbated.

WIIS Global in Mediation and Peacebuilding
WIIS Global Affiliates promote the advancement of a gendered lens in all extended forums of international peace and security initiatives. WIIS Affiliates share a common mission and incentive to support women in conflict and their peace processes; amplifying marginalized voices and including gendered perspectives that are necessary to create policies and protections that reflect their respective societies in totality.
Become a WIIS International Affiliate Now!
Join WIIS’ expanding network and elevate your regional, national and local capacity to engage in the complex peace and security issues from a gender perspective.
Where Are WIIS Affiliates
WIIS International Affiliates are located outside the United States