Reconciling Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) and Feminist Foreign Policy
WIIS explores the debate on the relationship between WPS and FFP in its research and policy forums. The aim is to understand the potential for both frameworks to work together in promoting gender equality and global peace and security.

Development and Gender
WIIS examines FFP from a diverse and integrative perspective, looking at how different countries are considering or have adapted FFP to their own circumstance and needs to realize sustainable development goals and gender equality.

Closing the Global Gender Gap
WIIS seeks to leverage talent and expertise to find creative and workable strategies to reverse the growing gender gap. FFP is seen as one possible approach, emphasizing equal rights, representation, and resources for achieving gender equity. Gender parity received a set back due to COVID-19, according to the 2022 Global Gender Gap Report. It will take another 132 years, unless we intervene, to close the global gender gap.

WIIS partners with #SHEcurity on its annual report monitoring the progress of women’s diversity and representation in the international security sector. WIIS’ contribution for the 2022 SHEcurity Global Index and its new “#SHEcurity+ section” highlighted regional integration efforts in Latin America. The launch took place at the Paris Peace Forum.