History is important for knowing what to do in the future. I don’t know the future, but I can tell you what I know will matter for the future: movements matter, women and civil society matter, and equality and peace matter.
Movements Matter
Let me share two examples of why and how movements matter. One, the movie The Movement and the “Madman” shows that the October-November 1969 demonstrations against the Vietnam War, organized by two civil society movements, led Henry Kissinger to advise President Nixon not to use nuclear weapons against Vietnam. This was because the administration knew that they had no public support for bombing Vietnam. Two, Women Strike for Peace’s work documented the horrible consequences of atmospheric testing of atomic bombs, whose fallout was poisoning Americans’ food and quite literally killing communities. This movement helped convince President John F. Kennedy to sign the Partial Test Ban Treaty (formally known as the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space, and Under Water) with the Soviet Union in 1963.
Women and Civil Society Matter
In other words, these stories show us that women’s movements matter, especially under the umbrella of civil society because civil society can make political change (here, “civil society” means everyone not including corporations and governments). When it came to the adoption of UNSCR 1325, civil society women were key; this was not a government-led movement. We have evidence that the participation of women in these collaborative movements have produced change, so keeping these movements going is of the utmost importance. We have to organize and keep these movements alive and women actively engaged in them. And we have to be positive.
Equality and Peace Matter
This holds especially true since diversity, equity, and inclusion, and “women,” were the first things eliminated in the current situation we find ourselves in, and we need to bring them back. We see that equality, peace, women, civil society, and movements–they all matter equally. None is more important than the other.
One other thought that I wish to share: We have to abolish nuclear weapons. The word “abolish” is very important here, because it denotes a workable solution, not just a step-by-step reduction. Too many organizations call for reduction because they believe that if you reduce a nuclear weapon arsenal to 10, 15, or 30 out of 500, then that is progress. However, one is all that is needed. So reduction is not a workable idea, but abolition is.
UNSCR 1325 was adopted unanimously by the Security Council. Women’s movements and civil society made it happen. It is important to remind people that the unanimous adoption of UNSCR 1325 in 2000 means that it is international law and must be respected and observed. Some may not like this, but we should never give up on law.
Every year, without exception, we have celebrated and honored “1325” (probably the four most popular numbers at the United Nations). This also matters, because celebrating UNSCR 1325 keeps its memory alive and promotes the WPS agenda in all its facets.
About the Author
At 91, Cora Weiss is a peace activist at the forefront of many international movements, including those for nuclear abolition, civil rights, and women’s rights. As a civil society member, Weiss was instrumental in drafting UN Security Council 1325, which launched the groundbreaking Women, Peace, and Security Agenda in 2000. She has led organizations such as Women Strike for Peace, the Hague Appeal for Peace, and the International Peace Bureau, and was nominated four times for the Nobel Peace Prize for her enduring efforts towards anti-war causes, peace advocacy, and women’s justice.
WIIS team members Karin Johnston and Mahathi Ayyagari interviewed Weiss at her request. These remarks have been edited for clarity.
Image Courtesy of Activist Video Archive.