Establish your WIIS Chapter Now!
WIIS welcomes new national chapters–they enhance and expand our professional network of individuals in peace and global security and related fields. WIIS national chapters extend our reach so members can access opportunities for professional development and mentoring programs, events, and support at the regional and local levels.
What WIIS Chapters Do
A WIIS national chapter creates a diverse and supportive community on campus, offers career-building professional development and mentoring programs, and advances the next generation of young leaders in the international peace and security field.

Student Research and Fellowships
Educational institutions with WIIS Chapters have the opportunity to develop tailored fellowship programs to give highly accomplished student members the opportunity to explore and publish research related to topics in international peace and security.

Public/Private Partnerships
WIIS Chapters use their network and capacities to employ multifaceted partnerships between diverse sectors to innovate programs supporting objectives key to advancing peace and security policy and research. Educational institutions with established WIIS Chapters have been successful in supporting students and furthering their partnerships with external government and private organizations.

WIIS Chapters And Global Internships
WIIS Global works with International Affiliates and National Chapters to curate global internships and exchanges of students of institutional members.
WIIS Chapter membership grants exclusive access to students at member universities and the WIIS global network for collaborative and enriching career development opportunities. These mutually beneficial partnerships, build the foundation of community and continuation of knowledge.
Where Are WIIS Chapters
WIIS Chapters are located within the United States