The Women, Peace & Security (WPS) agenda champions the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women in the prevention of violent conflict, the delivery of relief and recovery efforts, and in the forging of lasting peace. WIIS examines not only the gender-related impact of inequality and conflict but how women’s agency can drive efforts at building a peaceful, prosperous, and equitable world.

Assessments & Training
Through its training modules, audits, and Gender Assessment Tool, WIIS provides support to security organizations and U.S. partner nations in assessing progress in implementing the WPS agenda to advance gender equality and women’s leadership in the security sector.

Gender Mainstreaming
WIIS embraces gender mainstreaming by integrating a gender perspective in its policies, programs, and its global engagement to advance women’s empowerment and greater diversity and inclusion of women in the peace and security field.

Peace Negotiations
Women’s participation in peace negotiations—in mediation, negotiation, and as signatories—contributes to lasting peace. Through investigating aspects of conflict resolution, WIIS gives those voice to those who are defining the way forward in implementing WPS principles.

An Inclusive WPS Agenda
WIIS examines how the inclusion of gender diversity, equality and identity further strengthens the WPS principles of prevention, protection, and participation, and relief and recovery to secure effective solutions to complex security challenges.
Embassy Policy Roundtable and Publication Series
WIIS’ high-level policy roundtable discussions and publications draw diverse speakers, contributors and audiences to highlight why gender matters in addressing critical peace and security issues.
